A great movie ... even a better book

I, unlike many others, first read the novel by Stephen King (who, incidentally, fascinated me), and only then learned about the film adaptation. Seeing this movie in second place in the top 250, I decided to definitely watch it.

Sure, the movie is great. Acting at the highest level! Of course, Michael Clarke Duncan looks the brightest (which is exactly how I pictured John Coffey), Doug Hutchison (his hero is as repulsive as in the novel) and Sam Rockwell (his Wild Bill is even more wild than described by King). However, the rest of the actors are not completely lost on their background.

The technical side of the film is also on top. And music, and scenery, and special effects (although they are few). All together they create an excellent entourage, the atmosphere of the suicide bomber is transferred to 5 plus!

The film is about 3 hours, but it's almost invisible. Of course, this is a huge plus for the film: it's hard to keep the viewer's attention for so long. In addition, it allows you to accurately convey the plot.

However, alas, the film still has a minus: it is rather weak compared with the book. In particular, the book describes the execution scene much more sharply. I still have a heart contracting when I remember the final words of that part:

"... and tears.

The last tears of John Coffey "

Also in the book there are some scenes, logically woven with the plot and significantly reinforcing the impression: for example, life in a nursing home or the death of the wife of the protagonist. As a result, I even cried a little over the book, but there was not a film on it.

However, the film is still incredibly good, even in comparison with the book. So I boldly put him

10 of 10


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Good completion

Cosmos, beauty, experiences, unreality ...

So, "Van Helsing", USA, year 2004