Blessed miracle

I've heard a lot about this film, it's a masterpiece, and it's necessary to look it up. Well, a masterpiece, you will not understand a masterpiece, until you look at yourself. Seeing this same three-hour movie, I admit that this is a true masterpiece of cinema and a decent adaptation of Stephen King's novel.

We see in this story how one giant was brought to death, who is accused of the terrible murder of two little girls. Prison officers who executed the death penalty did not even guess how this story will turn around with this mysterious stranger who is endowed with the magical power of healing ...

Despite the fact that the film is three hours old, it is not at all long and not boring. He is interesting, rich, psychological and strong. The whole story you look with your eyes wide open, and at the end you see tears. Stephen King is a genius and a wonderful writer. His books are interesting and loved, but to film them and convey the whole atmosphere of his stories is very difficult. Directed by Frank Darabont managed to do this, and we have a clean and powerful film that everyone should see, and it's not just words. The cast in this drama was excellent, and everyone played plausibly and convincingly. Tom Hanks played enthusiastically and realistically, and thanks to his hero we see this unusual and amazing story. Hanks is a good actor, and he always broadcasts on the screen all the most difficult and touching emotions. David Morse usually plays a negative role. They are more to him. But in this film he has a positive role, and my favorite actor in his career. Michael Clarke Duncan was a wonderful actor, and he is the big heart and soul of this film. He played delightfully, and it really is. I will never forget his hero. It was nice to see Bonnie Hunt in this movie. She is a sweet and positive actress, and I remember her from childhood since the film "Jumanji". Sam Rockwell is a master to play the most controversial and negative roles, and this role of the murderer's criminal was just his.

"Green Mila" is an American frame with a touch of mysticism and fantasy, which turned out to be an amazing and powerful film, leaving behind a bunch of emotions and thoughts. The cinema and the truth are delicious, and I give it the highest mark.

10 of 10


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Good completion

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So, "Van Helsing", USA, year 2004