Contrary to

I very long approached this film, and then very long wrote a review. For the first time I looked at him about 7 years ago, did not appreciate and safely forgot. And now, being on vacation, I looked at him again on the advice of a friend whose opinion I very much trust. The strongest film. I would even say: the strongest. And now I will try to explain my position.

Firstly, I really want to note a large number of plot lines, each of which gets its development and denouement. Usually we see one / two main characters and their story line, which unfolds before us and eventually comes to some final. Also there is a variant of a heap of plot lines, it is not clear how connected with each other and not getting their development, as, for example, in "Remember Me". Here, each character is important, necessary and gets his interesting story. By the way, for example, I can not say that for me the main line was John Coffee. No less significant character for me was Dal. When he was executed, I cried the first time. In general, it seems to me that in the film it is very important that he seems to substitute the stereotypes of his viewer. It would seem, how should people treat people who committed such grave crimes that they were sentenced to death? I think the answer will be obvious: at least with antipathy, if not with disgust. But I think that the only one of the criminals who causes antipathy is the wild Beal. The other three, executed during the film, the audience is sympathetic. But when we look at Percy, there is a nasty feeling that he should just be in a cage and on an electric chair instead of someone who will be executed. Amazing truth? Morality seems to turn upside down when you follow the events of the film.

In one of the reviews published on the site, I read the idea that Percy is the only "normal" character in the film. You know, given that I can not stand ideal characters, and I adore the bad ones, Percy disgusts me. A small, notorious, mentally unstable, offended by the whole world boy. He tries to assert himself against the background of people who have been put in cages and must be killed, and thereby overcome all their complexes. He is so cowardly that everything is done in secret. It is symbolic and funny that in the end he turns out to be the patient of the psychiatric hospital where he was going to transfer in order to continue to mock people who simply can not protect themselves.

Next about Paul: I'm one of those who do not like Tom Hanks. I do not like him either in the Forest Gump, in the Outcast, or in the Green Mile either. So to say that he made this film, I can not.

I really liked the wild Beal. Not as a person, of course, but as a character. An interesting psychotype, an example of a real criminal and his psychology. The hero is brilliantly played and, in my opinion, adorns the film.

John Coffee is played superbly, though sometimes, in my opinion, the tragedy in him, as in the character there were too many. For the disclosure of this hero is taken favorite by the directors reception: to make the character slightly mentally retarded, but kind, compassionate and capable of self-sacrifice. With this we come across in the Forest Forest, in Sam I, and in a huge number of other paintings. It is also interesting that the actor is chosen very colorful, there is a feeling as if some discrepancy of the external image and inner content: huge, strong, frightening and at the same time helpless, like a child, and so kind.

I also wondered why some scenes in which people were shown who came to look at the execution and pour out their hatred not condemned. The feeling of a huge disgust for these people directly overwhelmed me the whole movie. Why so much condemnation and hatred of people you do not know anything about? This terrible old snobbery: come with a cross, read prayers, and then desire death as a revenge for another. How easily everyone can judge without knowing anything.

This film is one of those that make you think at the time of viewing, and long after the end. How much in life is that which we condemn without going into details and not knowing why it all happened that way. It turns out that people sentenced to death can be sympathetic. It turns out that every medal has a reverse side.

This is a very complex and very strong film, it deserves the title of an absolute masterpiece of cinematography:

10 of 10


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