"Each of us must die, there are no exceptions. But, Lord, sometimes the green mile seems so long. "

The green mile is a film that forces us to recognize the bias of the world, the injustice of one's life and the injustice of the death of another, to be imbued with the fact that every day in the world something terrible, something cruel and merciless is happening, and we can not change this violent world.

"How does God allow this?"

John Coffey - God's miracle, who had a great gift, no one else felt it. Sometimes a murderer can turn out to be the kindest of people. He wanted to transform everything that exists in the world, he was happy with the night sky and the leaves on the grass, like a child, seemingly so huge, looking cold and bloodthirsty, he wanted to achieve peace throughout the world. But how can one person cope with such fierce anger? "Help. Only help. "Perfect self-sacrifice. He was ready to absorb these diseases, hatred, bitterness one after another to the detriment of himself, but for the sake of salvation. If all people were capable of this.

"I'm tired that all people are cruel and ruthless. I'm tired of the pain that I feel and hear in the world every day. It's too much. Here, in my head, like shards of glass. Everyday."

The history of Delacroix is ​​a gloomy, sad story. Endure the mockery of Percy Wetmore - this hypocritical, cynical, deceitful, repulsive rat, and then sit on an electric chair and listen to him, from the head of the execution, a deathly opinion of himself - a truly unbearable, painful test. To part with life to the sound of this vile voice, and even so - it is impossible. However, with death all suffering ends.

"He's free. He is happy. It does not matter how it happened. "

"Wild Bill" Wharton - that's who truly deserves death. Anyone who has committed such a crime will never return to life. The Lord will not forgive the one who does not have a soul. The most hideous, most scandalous heretic.

Music is great. I think this word will be enough to convey the depth and penetration of a genuine spiritual motive.

We have been provided with proof that not everything happens as we wish. Evil is happening every day, but in our power to fix everything. Making the world kinder is not so easy, but still possible. We need to start with ourselves, reconsider priorities, not be selfish and stale, be ready to commit self-denial and, maybe, this will be the starting point on the way to a new, safe, secure world. John Coffey showed us this by his example. It is a pity that the performer of this role - Michael Clarke Duncan, left this world.

P.S. Mr. Jingle - above all praise, a miracle mouse.

"If a person sincerely repents of his sins, he can return to the time that was the happiest for him, and stay there forever. Maybe this is paradise? "

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Good completion

Cosmos, beauty, experiences, unreality ...

So, "Van Helsing", USA, year 2004