Favorite films. Part 5.

Green Mile. I wonder if there are people here who have not seen this movie? Really? The second place in the Top 250 of the best films according to the Film Search, the highest ratings on steep movie sites, excellent reviews of film critics around the world, and so on.

Five years earlier, Frank Darabont gave the world a wonderful film "Escape from Shoushenk" and five years later, he gives another masterpiece of the "Green Mile". This is now the modern young people know Frank Darabont as the creator of the series "Walking Dead," but the whole world remembers him as the creator of two masterpieces (Escape from Shawshank and the Green Mile), which already has been ranked 1st and 2nd in the Top 250 best movies according to the Film Search .

What about the "Green Mile"? Yes, anything but insults. I do not understand how you can not love this movie. I also remember a long time ago, being still so say a child, this film is so touched that I do not even know how to describe it. Since then, the "Green Mile" rightfully occupies one of the first places in the list of my most favorite films.

What is the movie about? About the miracle? About injustice? About prison? About the suicide bombers waiting for execution? About people? Definitely no answer, no, because the film is about everything. In the "Green Mile" there is an answer to any of the questions listed by me. And attention is paid to everything roughly the same. In general, the "Green Mile" is an amazing film. It seems that you understand that the whole movie is fried in the electric chair of people or just killed, but with all this from the movie and blows good. This is a surprisingly good good film, which can even be watched by children. And in my childhood, it seemed to me that the film was so long that you, conditionally speaking, managed to visit all corners of the block of death row of the prison "Cold Mountain". By the way, if you still did not see the film, I advise you to find time and sit down to watch with confidence that you will look at it in one gulp. Only in this way, due to the whole viewing, you can fully enjoy the film. After all, the duration is already three hours and only for one approach, you can get a film.

One of the strongest pluses of the picture, is a good cast and a great acting game. I do not even know how many percent of the actors were dragging the film out of their game, to the title "Masterpiece", but one thing is clear. If, for example, they would have picked up completely untalented actors who could not play, the Green Mile would hardly have been pulled out with one story.

Tom Hanks is an excellent actor, who probably contributed something to the image of Paul Edgecomb. This role is definitely his and he coped with his task for one hundred percent. But if it's clear with Tom Hanks, a tough guy and a great actor, then Michael Clarke Duncan just took out his brain. Frankly, I at one time did not follow his work and I know him, mainly in roles in Sin City and Armageddon, but John Coffey's role will remain for a long time in the hearts of the audience. Interesting image and magnificent performance. Michael Clarke Duncan opened for me from a new perspective. Great game! That there is only a scene where John Coffey watches the film or the final scene of the execution. You will be soulless cattle if you did not cry at this moment. I would also like to single out Doug Hutchison. Very dramatically accented role of Percy. As for me, Percy is one of the most disgusting and ugly characters in the history of cinema. It causes such anger and hatred that it's just that you want to smear it on the walls of this bastard. Already he takes anger as I remember him. Sam Rockwell also looked cool and convincingly in the role of "Wild Billy", but he though I do not cause such disgust as Percy, although he is also that cattle. And I do not blame John Coffey for what he did to them. In the case of both of them! well, of course, I also wanted to highlight Michael Jeter and Mr. Jingle, they were very good at having a tandem.

Cinema for all time.

10 of 10


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