In memory of Michael Clarke Duncan
"Are they born of geniuses, or do they become?", "Is it difficult to repeat your success?", "Can we enter the same river twice?" - the questions that have repeatedly been raised in the life of any of us. Why do some reach everything, while others remain unsuccessful all their lives? What is the engine for achieving an ideal result? Luck? Talent? Accident? I think that all a little. James Cameron shot two of the highest grossing films in the history of cinema. Tom Hanks repeated the incident Spencer Tracy, becoming the winner of the Oscar in the category "Best Actor" two years in a row. Stephen King wrote a bunch of stories and novels, two of which were made by the best films from the existing ones (according to the users of "Kinopoisk", since the American database IMDB thinks differently). And both of these films were shot by the same director - Frank Darabont.
While there is an escape in some prisons, and in others a riot is rising every day, real miracles take place in the death row of the Cold Mountain prison. A giant is brought there, possessing astounding growth and a large physique, from the look on which it becomes uncomfortable. But while the suicide bomber behaves incredibly calmly. And later, and at all we see that it is unlikely that such a person can commit a crime, all the more so cruel in which he was accused. I, of course, understand that this is a movie, and it is arranged according to its own laws, especially the story is not based on real events, but throughout the second half of the film, I want to shout out into the screen: "Are you serious ??? !!! Are you blind? Deaf people? How can you blame this person? "Unfortunately, only the employees of the Cold Mountain could see this mistake, led by unit chief Paul Edgecomb. For they really saw what this person is capable of, which rendered practically everyone the help that they needed. All the rest did not care. Neither the judge who pronounced the verdict nor the parents of those girls (although it is quite understandable and logical, what compassion there is), or the public as a whole. The whole world is now following the fate of Oscar Pistorius, who shot his friend one year and a half ago, by mistake. And the devil knows how it was in fact, and this process lasts infinitely long. And in the case of John Coffe, everything was immediately clear: a big black man, who pressed two dead bodies to himself, and screamed in a wild voice. No one would ever have believed him what had happened that day. And when Paul Edgcombe came to Judge Hammersmith's house to talk about John Coffe, he did not even listen to him, but only gave an example of his dog, which they loved very much, but one day she got mad and his son was left without an eye. In principle, I agree with this, you never know what and from whom to wait.
In my life I have often come across the fact that people do not understand how the American film academy evaluates certain aspects of the finished film. For example, what is the difference between the nominations "Best Director" and "Best Film". So, not being the truth in the last resort, after all, I would like to clarify this point. The director is responsible exclusively for the creative component of the project, while the film itself is a synthesis of the work of a whole galaxy of masters of different professions: actors, screenwriters, producers, operators, costume designers and make-up artists, decorators, editors, etc. I think everyone noticed , that if the film is nominated for the main Oscar, then it necessarily gets a few more nominations in other categories. I write about this to the fact that in the "Green Mile", too, everything was done at the highest level, and I will not delve into all the subtleties, I will pay attention only to the actors, which are quite numerous here, and almost all of them are quite well-known.
Tom Hanks, one of my favorite actors, played quite a few roles, and made two feature films. About his game, you can only say that, as always, everything is quite natural, without replay. Real professional. David Morse, who played the main assistant Paul, also produces a quality result, I generally like this actor. He acts, as a rule, on the second roles, but his characters are always memorable. In principle, all worked out their fees with dignity, but I would especially like to single out: 1) Doug Hutchison, who played the role of Percy, a sort of filth that is always covered up by his kinship with high-ranking officials. 2) Harry Dean Stanton, who embodied the image of some, or a prisoner, a suicide bomber who can not wait for his execution, or an unskilled laborer. I honestly did not understand until the end, actually, as he did not understand his role in the film "Alpha-dog". Who was his character? Sonya Trulava's accomplice, performed by Bruce Willis, or, God forbid, his lover? I do not know. They lived together, so everything can be. But he plays brightly, with full dedication. 3) Sam Rockwell, who played "Wild Bill". Well, there's just no words. So it turned out a funny character, which can be said, he answered exclusively for the comedic part of the film. Admit it, did not you laugh when his hero stirred up the chip with the cake? Personally, I watched this movie so many times and I cried to tears in that moment. And then Paul's words to Brutus: "I must admit, the trick with the cake is very original." I do not know about you, but I'm really funny.
The role of Michael Clark Duncan, I intentionally left last, because I dedicate this review to his memory. Former bodyguard of Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, having come to the cinema, Michael, during his career played about 80 roles (if we count the scoring of cartoons), the most memorable of which are Armageddon, Nine Yards, Sin City and, of course , the main role of his life, John Coffe. You know, I have great respect for Michael Caine, but I do not consider his role in the Winners' Rules as bright and strong as Michael Clarke Duncan had in the Green Mile. And the fact that Oscar received Kane, not Duncan, it already smells of racial discrimination. Such a memorable image must have been somehow rewarded. After all, what a hero turned out: kind, slightly crazy, with the level of development of the child, ready to help everyone, and not accusing anyone of having done this to him. This is unequivocal, the best role in his career, which, like his life, so suddenly broke. September 3, 2012, Michael died of heart disease, leaving behind a train of played and unplayed roles. We do not decide when we will not be. Apparently, the time released to him on Earth was over, and he went to another world. But remember it will always be, otherwise, why do people live, if not to leave something after themselves.
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