In memory of Michael Clarke Duncan!

I will not quarrel, Stephen King's book is more interesting. But that's the book. In most cases, books are always more fun than movies, and even more so screen versions. Still, Frank Darabont's picture of King's novel is wonderful. Excellent casting, the successful display of America during the Great Depression and the basic idea that someone can take upon themselves the sins of humanity deserves the kindest words. Equivalent combination of detective, drama and mysticism is done competently and very accurately. There is no kink and roll in any direction. This can not but attract.

Jail. Block of suicide bombers. Prisoners and overseers. But there will not be a regular squabble here. What draws King and Darabont? In the foreground are two characters. This is the boss, the hero of Tom Hanks and the convicted John Coffey. There will be no confrontation between them. What is the interest of Paul Edgecomb (Tom Hanks)? You are unlikely to meet in any other film such a head of the suicide bomber. Not aggressive, not evil, doing his job and carrying such a far from easy cross. Is it possible to remain human in such a situation? The hero of Tom Hanks responds that yes, and I believe him.

Inside any collective, one is found who will bring grief and insert sticks into the wheels of the debugged mechanism. So in the picture there will be a guard Percy. The cruelty and hatred of this man know no bounds. Suffice it to recall the episode with the mouse, Mr. Jingle. In general, there are many strong scenes in the film, but Mr. Jingle is a red thread.

And of course John Coffey. The big man, the giant is not only in terms of growth, although of course his height inspires respect, but a man with a giant soul, capable of not just treating but curing. How cool he coped with the illness of the boss. And you are able to take on the sins of another person? But John Coffey does this despite the fact that after such sessions he becomes very ill. Whether this person could rape the little girls, Stephen King and Frank Darabont will tell about it.

I advise you to read the book, if you have not read and watch this movie, if you have not seen it. Without a doubt, these films enliven and purify. The state of catharsis in our sinful life has not been canceled yet.

10 of 10


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Good completion

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