My name is John Coffey - like a drink, just written in a different way.

There are many different professions and responsibilities all over the world. But the most difficult of them are those that are directly related to the life and death of a person. What is it to realize that in your hands the fate of people? It's very hard. The same we see in the picture "Green Mile", where the main character Paul (Tom Hanks) works as a warden in prison and one of the executors of the death sentences. It is he and his colleagues who are carrying out the suicide bombings on their last journey from the camera to the electric chair. This corridor, covered with a green path, and called the local slang "green mile".

People behave very differently in anticipation of death. Someone is locked in himself, someone releases his anger to the outside world, realizing that it can not be worse already. But such prisoners as John Coffey (Michael Clarke Duncan), Paul has never met. This huge black is accused of raping and killing two girls of twelve. But, despite his powerful physique, John is completely different from a man who could commit such a crime. And not because he yells for hours, like other prisoners, that he is not guilty. He's just kind. And so much so that it seems to an ordinary person that it is impossible and unrealistic.

This mighty prisoner has another very unusual feature - he has the gift of healing. In this case, John applies it to almost everyone because he is full of love for all life. After getting to know John Coffey in Paul's life, things start to go differently. Although the warder is convinced that John is not guilty of such a terrible and bloody crime, nothing can be done about it. His duties include something other than trial and review of court decisions. He is only their performer. What is most surprising, Coffey with full humility accepts his sentence and regrets only that he did not have time to save those two girls after someone's bloody celebration.

The picture is simply magical, you can not even say otherwise. Well, how else can you explain the fact that, in principle, a dynamic film passes unnoticed in three hours? Of course, in the movie "Green Mile" the whole emphasis was not on the dynamics, but on the plot and the play of the cast.

First of all, of course, it amazes Tom Hanks himself with his skill to convey to the audience his hero. Looking at his game, you begin to believe that he worked all his life in prison. Not just in prison, but accompanied the criminals to an electric chair. He does not overplay, there is no excess pathos and theatrical movements, too sympathetic face and all that can be expected in such scenes. But nothing like this happens. Tom's hero is extremely collected, reserved and fulfilling. His face shows practically nothing (especially sympathy). It becomes immediately clear that he has worked in this position for many years and all the emotions have disappeared as useless. Michael Clarke Duncan played quite well and in places even very well, which made him and Hanks an excellent actor's pair.

The picture was a success. The director has incredibly accurately conveyed the novel by Stephen King, not crippled, as they like in Hollywood, the essence. Most important, the author tried to convey even minor details of the work, thanks to which the film turned out to be whole and interesting. On such tape it is not a pity to spend three hours of time.


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Good completion

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