Mystical prison romance

"The Green Mile" vs. "Escape from Shawshank": find four similarities and three differences

The similarity of N1: both films are prison dramas, shot without extra "Ponte", pleasing not by entertainment, but by profound meaning. Among the cheap scenery of the prison, any viewer will see a strong movie, capable of touching and touching the living.

The resemblance of N2: both films are based on the novels of Stephen King, known mainly for mystical novels, but gained fame in the first place with these two works, the screen versions of which received a wild rating, which meant the general love of the audience.

The similarity of N3: both pictures do not show excessive naturalism, even where it seems to be needed - the creators managed without excessive cruelty and blood rivers, despite the prison themes and death scenes.

The similarity of N4: in both films the protagonist is condemned unfairly, and punished on false accusation.

The difference is N1: "The Green Mile" is a drama with a touch of mysticism, all supernatural phenomena are carried out by the main character. "Escape from Shawshank" did not differ in this, it was a story that could well have taken place in real life.

Difference N2: in the "Green Mile" there are scenes of executions in the electric chair, while in the "Shawshank Redemption" nobody was executed, all the heroes were sentenced for long periods.

The difference between N3: whatever they say about the genius of the plot of the "Green Mile" (which he really does not take away), this very plot becomes as active as possible only after the first third of the film, and it is quite surprising that everyone loves this film, despite passive the first 40 minutes. While the "Escape from Shawshank" was pleased with the dynamic plot and the active development of events from beginning to end. Therefore, if you ask me which movie I choose from two, it's natural, I will choose "Escape from Shawshank". Despite the fact that the "Green Mile", in my opinion, is also worthy of viewing all fans of dramas and generally serious movies. And if I'm not against the fact that "Escape ..." received an honorable first place among all the films of the planet at the Film Search, then I do not agree with the second place occupied by the "Green Mile". There are many films that are more worthy of this place, which showed more active subjects. Agree that three hours is too much for such a passive development of events. The film was able to capture my attention only after the first 40 minutes, when everything became clear and interesting.

Obviously, the film was so touched by the actions of the protagonist, who was so afraid of the whole prison, but in fact this person, as they say, would not hurt the flies either. It remains unknown who actually killed the unfortunate children, all attention was focused on this gorgeous giant who, as it turned out, has magical abilities. Particularly touched by such moments as the healing of a patient with prostatitis; and the revival of a dead mouse, which was the only friend of one of the prisoners. The scenes with electrocution were cruel, but not disgusting. In fact, we have before us a truly brilliant cinema, shot by a brilliant work.


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Good completion

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So, "Van Helsing", USA, year 2004