Primal Healing

Who has the gift of healing? Who can heal people, who can heal them? Who can prevent someone's illness, save the sick from crap and take all the litigation for themselves? Who commands in the world of madness and divination? Who are called "charlatans," "magicians," "Herods," although they are not? Who is suffering more than ours, who are glad to see what we are not happy to see - the sprouting grass on the green meadow, the bright shadow of the passing express train, the innocent convict, carried away by his circus mouse, the prickly bunk that cuts your back right through and you lie, as if on nails, and do not you feel anything? Who was sentenced to death, and they are afraid of accepting it, because they repent and the punisher also repents, is he hurt for himself and for the guilty? And so, in reasoning, every prisoner blames himself even more, and after he has nothing to help himself, and after no one accepts him for who should be helped. Everyone participates in the massacre, and among them there are neither merciful nor God-loving, not covering, but there are eyewitnesses, the eyewitnesses are even more painful, although they also stand in the ranks of the Avengers. The film tells about the story of an eyewitness, a prison guard who was supposed to execute infidels, he saw enough to be pleased with his work, but it turned out that from what he saw he was of no use until he was healed by the apostolic advent of the great martyr of the terrible pre-war time, someone who needs his help.

A tragic film ballad with a developed psychological theme and profound social study, one of the best adaptations of the creative encyclopedia of authorship of Stephen King, one of the most surveyed and discussed filmmakers of the century, the eye of an eyewitness who survived all the most troublesome and dangerous in the "Cold Mountain" block. One of the best films that hit the human world. One name is "The Green Mile" - a direct road to the unbelievable slopes and hills of the whole civilization. One turn, cardinally changed the entire conservative thinking of the old order.

The picture of Frank Darabonta truly deserves the most pleasant and respectful responses. I have never seen such a touching and soulful work, forcing all of us to review everything that was conceived and once embodied. For the first time I saw this film on local television and, frankly, I was given one more hereditary wish from the book mouths, which was substantiated for me by this baiopik.

The hero of Tom Hanks from his lips talks about his difficult career strike of the death row and watchmen, who are fighting among themselves for more than one generation. Both of them never understood each other and will never understand: they both have their own understanding of the real life demagoguery, and they will not complain to their opponents only for the sake of pardon. They have their pride, what was in the character of Michael Clark Duncan, when he tried to help his newfound comrades on the other side of the death chamber to get rid of someone's entreaties and internal tortures, which lead them to insulting physical pogroms and conscience disagreements. Turning his head, you see the rejected artist (Michael Jeter) with his little friend, the attachment to which he finds in the enraged cramps of his imprisonment. Not far from him, another crazy suicide bomber (Sam Rockwell) is scurrying around the corners, thinking aloud about everything that is happening, he understands better than anyone that people sometimes do wrong, reaching cruel measures. One of the subordinates of Edgecomb (David Morse) also gets a feeling for all these human destinies and, like his boss, sees the real healing power in the body of John Coffey, whom he does not consider a simple thug and murderer. It was the character of Duncan who changed all this democratic machine, standard and exemplary, brought his piece of faith to the kind people who avoided it, healed the drugged and opened even more new problems in the years to come.

This film is more than a miracle, a miracle can pass unnoticed, and we will want to see this trick again, this heartfelt healing, given by a smart novelist and a team of resourceful creators, who attracted us with a simple but not ungrounded final reprimand: "The execution of the living before their eyes ". And how many saw those who sat in the hall, surrounded by a lively exciting participation, and how they reacted after the planned. Horror slipped on their silent stone faces. And this cycle was followed by many spectacular interludes, for the content of which no one answered.

But I'm glad that the creators managed to portray everything that is controversial in this fateful tale.

10 of 10


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Good completion

Cosmos, beauty, experiences, unreality ...

So, "Van Helsing", USA, year 2004