Sentimental King of Horrors

Among the wide mass of movie lovers, the name of Stephen King is strongly associated with horrors. At the time of the release of the picture "Green Mile" this popular stereotype in our country was more widespread than now, as the Internet remained a pleasure for the elite, the cinemas could not boast of high attendance, and the previous film of Darabont "The Escape from Shawshank" has not yet become cult and his very few people have seen.

I still regret that I did not see this masterpiece in the cinema. Before Novosibirsk, he reached only by the end of the summer of 2000. Therefore bought for 35r. pirated video cassette became a kind of compensation.

The plot of the film invites viewers to plunge into the era of the 30s, which is not typical for King's screen versions, but among his short stories, there are quite a few whose actions take place in the first half of the 20th century, which the author himself can not remember due to age. A stunning fusion of tough realism and mysticism is one of the merits of the Green Mile. And the mystical component does not in the least interfere with the perception of this story primarily as it is realistic. Successfully selected actors in the number of released in the second half of the 90's from the comic role of Tom Hanks; already played the title role in the mini-series on King's "Langoliers" by David Morse; unforgettable giant Michael Clarke Duncan, for whom the role of John Coffey became a star, as well as many, many others.

Despite the apparent simplicity, the film touches on many important issues of being. Before the main character appears a very complex moral choice, which would puzzle every thinking person. And for Stephen King himself, who wrote the novel "The Green Mile" shortly before the 50th anniversary, this is a kind of confession, a redemptive song for the purely genre stories of the past.

At the Oscar ceremony, where the Green Mile was presented in four categories. including "The Best Film", unfortunately, not a single award was given to her. This can also be explained by strong competition. That year was a harvest for really good and iconic films. However, this did not stop the film from remaining in the hearts of many spectators and make even the fattest cynics cry. History is not deliberately moralizing, but it helps to define the boundaries of Evil and Good, to understand many truths that sometimes lie on the surface, but remain inaccessible to people in the light of lack of upbringing and many other social factors. It is possible to enumerate the merits of this masterpiece indefinitely, as well as revise it, filling the soul with the certainty that in people ready to atone for the sins of mankind and this world holds.


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Good completion

Cosmos, beauty, experiences, unreality ...

So, "Van Helsing", USA, year 2004