We are all doomed to die, all without exception, I know it, but, oh God, sometimes the Green Mile seems so long ...

This movie can be safely attributed to one of the best film projects in the cinema. The plot is both chic and easy to understand. Stunning film based on the novel by Stephen King.

"You do not notice how the past falls on you, whether you want it or not."

Paul Edgcombe works as a warden in a prison called the Green Mile. He works in the "E" block, where the prisoners are waiting for the death penalty in the electric chair. The film shows only a fragment of his life while working in this prison, so one can only assume how many people passed this "green mile" with him. But despite the fact that he sentenced them to death, literally speaking about this in their last moments of life, I will not say about him that he is a bad person. In the last days of the prisoners, he and his comrades tried only to support them, without saying stupid words like "there it will be good for you" or "you will see - this life is only a flash compared to what awaits you THERE." In general, we can say that he knows his wolf though, but still work.

But then Percy Wetmore comes to the block for work. Even the enemy does not pull, I think so. A cowardly, cowardly boy who is only hiding behind his ties. And his far from positive qualities, he subsequently fully proves.

But then a person comes to prison, who is accused of killing two girls - John Coffey. This is a huge nigger, but surprisingly calm and easy-going. During the film, you can only wonder how bright and kind a person is, how much he wants to change people, to help them. The whole team of the "E" block, of course, did not believe that this person could be guilty of murder. They try to help him as they can, but he "is tired of the pain he feels and hears in the world every day." He is ready to accept death, ready to reconcile with reality. Innocent as a child, a huge man is executed in a chair for someone else's sins? The whole team could not and did not want to accept this.

"When the righteous one calls the Lord to his judgment, he will ask me:" Why did you kill one of my real miracles? "What will I tell him? What is this my job? "

I cried with the team. How much this amazing film can not be expressed in words. This is something that everyone should see and experience this story together with the main characters. Of course, a special honorable place is to give the mouse to Jingle.

For some sins a person still has to pay, even if he did not want to commit this sin.

"I will live - this is my curse. It's my God's punishment for letting John Coffey be executed then. For killing God's miracle. "

10 of 10


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Good completion

Cosmos, beauty, experiences, unreality ...

So, "Van Helsing", USA, year 2004