Nezhdanchik from Ayoadi
The film focuses on the life of British teenager Oliver Tate - the white crow among his peers. He presents his life with a film strip, which he scrolls in his head and that is why the film’s narration is conducted on behalf of the main character. Oliver not only dreams and dreams, he is completely immersed in his illusions, they are for him an absolute reality. He writes poems using a typewriter, shares his fears and thoughts with the audience, worries about the privacy of his parents and is deeply in love with a girl named Jordan. She is not at all like the dreamy and innocent Oliver, the girl is cynical and cruel, she is not interested in the deep inner world and reading of the guy. This is the main line of the plot of this picture.
Color in the picture plays a very important role. So, seeing the hero at the very beginning, we see a teenager, dressed in black and gray tones, buttoned up. After the appearance of a large feeling in your life, bright spots immediately begin to flash on the screen, the girl’s red coat, blood and arson. Red color in this case symbolizes movement, dynamics and color of life. Everything starts to play and ceases to be prim and monotonous.
Despite such a surge of colors and emotions, Oliver does not become less strange, he continues to live in a fictional world in which he ascribes to himself some kind of authority that does not exist. He thinks that he is more suitable to smoke a pipe or wear a funny hat. All this is a bit like “Amelie” of 2001 in teenage adaptation. The main character is in conflict with the outside world, but Oliver is a quiet dreamer, not an aggressive rebel. He is in a silent confrontation of the world, living in his own head and fantasies.
A little naive (but only at first glance) and truly charming film about the relationship of two teenagers. From the first minute it absorbs its atmosphere. The cinema envelops the cloudy and at the same time very cozy atmosphere, the viewer immediately immersed in these sensations. Color, light, style of shooting - all this is one of the key factors in the movie. In the "Submarine" all four points are executed perfectly. Absolute immersion in action and for this I want to say more thanks to the creators. On the minuses in this picture and did not have to talk, so captivates the charm of the protagonist.
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