Great Russian epic
There is no other way to say - really great Russian epic. The grand picture, still capable of giving odds to any modern military films. Without heresy, without nonsense, but honestly and sincerely.
Soviet cinema is in many ways innovative. We were the first to discover the genre of poetic cinema (“Earth” by Alexander Dovzhenko), we were the first to create a genre of film epoch. And a lot more. An epic film was created by an absolutely amazing person - Sergei Eisenstein. His film “The Battleship Potemkin” became the first in this genre. And we should not forget about the great achievements of our directors, should not forget about our contribution to the history of world cinema.
Eisenstein shoots the film "Alexander Nevsky" in 1938. At that time, there were a lot of films in which the plot was built as follows: a certain enemy attacks the USSR (speaking German, wearing a uniform that is very similar to the uniform of SS soldiers). This enemy is quickly destroyed by Soviet troops and driven out of the country. These are films of the so-called “defense theme”.
Of course, it is obvious that this was done to prevent panic in the ranks of ordinary people. If a war happens, the Soviet troops are strong and able to defeat any enemy. Of course, as if “suddenly” it is not entirely appropriate here. That the war would come - sooner or later - everyone knew. And for this war titanic efforts were preparing. Including art.
Sergei Eisenstein is not the person who will be exchanged for such subjects, of course, important, but do not carry a particularly deep artistic meaning and narration. Nevertheless, he understands that this story is necessary. And he finds a completely ingenious course - to turn to our history. The film "Alexander Nevsky" combines the great story of the great victories of the past, the great epic of Russia and the reaction to current events in the modern world.
German knights wear helmets that visually resemble fascist helmets. The bishop has a swastika on his robe. And the behavior of the Teutonic knights, frankly, is not entirely Christian - the pagan symbols on helmets and the worship of the sun are what Hitler was so fond of. However, the main thing in the film is certainly not that. The main thing is how much the film is permeated with the Russian spirit, how sincere everything is patriotic. Watching the movie, you see how Eisenstein is a great artist.
Modern filmmakers for some reason believe that the splash of blood and severed limbs during the battle are very interesting, dramatic and exciting. Not at all. You don't feel anything behind this. It is a different matter here. Yes, sometimes the battle looks a bit ridiculous, but you are really worried about the characters, fully involved in what is happening on the screen. So now the movie is not removed, but sorry ...
The final words of Alexander Nevsky sound grand. Whoever comes to us with a sword, will perish by the sword. On this stands and will stand the Russian land. Beautiful film, beautiful playing actors, beautiful music, brilliant director.
10 out of 10
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