Oscar - 2000. Nominee No. 4 - “The Green Mile”

Epigraph: “It turns out that the next suicide bomber tried to commit suicide and was in very serious condition. "All measures were taken to save his life and then hang by all the rules." G. Lonsdale, “My profession is a scout”


Epigraph No. 2: “It is better to forgive the ten perpetrators than to execute one innocent” Ekaterina II

Epigraph No. 3: We do not know whether the death penalty is an effective means of intimidation, but we can argue that the executed person will no longer kill. M.Puso

This is one of those films where 3 hours fly by, as if 15 minutes, despite the fact that the literary source was filmed quite close to the text and was clearly not intended to take the audience into dynamics. The reason for success is, rather, in the harmonious creative symbiosis of Stephen King and Frank Darabont, who, obviously, decided to try to enter the same river a second time. The first joint project was 'Shawshank Redemption' - also about prison, also several Oscar nominations and also, unfortunately, not a single figurine received.

So there is nothing strange in the fact that the “Green Mile” stylistically and with certain semantic moments is quite reminiscent of “The Shawshank Redemption” (these two King’s novels are also similar, I affirm as a person who read both). In particular, both works of art implement the view that good people can be on both sides of the grid, just as they are not too good. Both note that even the most terrible criminals have the right to respect and humanity, otherwise what is the difference between them and normal, good people? Both show characters who have joined the system in order to satisfy their need for power and humiliation of their neighbor in a socially acceptable way and focus on the fact that these characters have not really gone so far from those they guard, and in unfavorable circumstances have every chance of being in their place.

Both films have one and the same, inherited from the literary sources, a small flaw, namely: most prisoners look too cute, polite, sleek, as if we are not looking at a death row / serious criminals prison, which, as a rule, isn’t just like that hit, and about a block of innocently imprisoned people. Also, the guards look too good for people who have committed terrible crimes. However, I think the authors were going to tell us that staying in such a place in anticipation of their inevitable death really makes almost anyone think about their life and rethink what they have done. The overwhelming majority, on the other hand, are professionals who must do the work clearly, calmly, carefully, and not allow hatred toward people who have already been sentenced and who will soon get what they deserve to come out.


However, if the general tone of 'Escape from the Shawshank' is still bright and encouraging, and in the end this film generally turns into a hymn to freedom, intelligence and the triumph of justice, then the Green Mile works exactly the opposite. No one will leave her freedom, even the one who deserves it, and such triumph of justice will not bring joy to anyone, even those who should, in principle, desire him.

Another question that the Green Mile raises is where professionalism ends and humanity begins. Just as excessive emotionality makes it difficult to demonstrate professionalism, excessive professionalism makes it difficult to remain human, and this is important. Was the main character right and could he remain human? I think there is no definite answer. Personally, my act does not cause delight, but I would not blame him. It is part of the system, and the system should work. It is not always possible to get around it and definitely not worth breaking, even if its mistakes sometimes lead to, though grandiose in scale, but, as a rule, one-time consequences.

To summarize: It often happens that when a movie catches on, it simply does not understand the components. So it is here: after watching, there is only emptiness, fatigue and thoughts about how long and heavy your own green mile is.

10 out of 10


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Good completion

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