Sometimes the green mile seems so long ...

A lot of reviews have already been written on this drama. I hope that readers of this new review will be interested to know my opinion. It is hard to write a positive opinion on a film that has almost nothing to blame. Even small flaws are insignificant to such an extent in comparison with the majestic virtues that do not affect the final impression of this tape. Looking ahead, I’ll say that the “Green Mile” I liked much more than the untwisted “Shawshank Redemption”.

Plot. The picture takes place in the Cold Mountain Prison. There, in the death row bloc, Paul Edgecomb has long been the chief overseer. The “Green Mile” is the block corridor along which convicts go their last way (the floor is painted green). One day, giant John Coffey, who is accused of a terrible crime, is brought into the block. From that moment, much will change in the prison, and Paul himself will rethink some things ...

I am witnessing a unique event. In fact, before us is one of the most accurate adaptations of the book version, which perfectly reveals its essence. I have seen quite a lot of tapes taken from books, and I can confidently say that among them there are negligible at least a few paintings close to the original. But here the work of transferring 'Miles' to the screens was carried out with scrupulous accuracy and care. Personally, I did not have a curious scene describing a bus accident (which describes the fate of one of the characters and the subsequent vision of one of the main characters) and the annoying Brad Dowlen (the parallel drawn between him and Percy looked interesting). It was possible to add explanations of the fate of all the central characters. But these are my personal preferences. In the end, it is impossible to please all readers and viewers. One of the undoubted advantages of the plot is that the film will be equally interesting to watch for those who are familiar with the book and those who have not read it. The viewer will be offered a strong story with a share of mysticism, a detailed disclosure of the characters and a powerful ending. What else do you need for a pleasant evening?

Atmosphere. The oppressive atmosphere of heavy fate presses the viewer with a dead weight from the first frames. Here there will be reflections on the imperfection of our world, and just cruelty, and even miracles. A smoothly moving camera contributes to the gradual involvement in what is happening. Actors worked hard. Tom Hanks (Paul) and the rest of the overseas guys are definitely good. But I would like to single out Michael Clark Duncan (John Coffey) and Doug Hutchison (Percy Wetmore). The first one struck me with soulful indifference and simplicity, and the second played amazingly unpleasant impudent with great connections, the type of which almost every one of us met in our life.

Music. The wonderful music of Thomas Newman will not leave anyone indifferent. This is a true paradise for the ears. I would highlight the melodies 'The Mouse on the Mile', 'Wild Bill', 'Night Journey' and the music in the credits. These are my favorites.

Total. An excellent movie that every self-respecting movie fan must watch. It is a pity that such a great film at one time did not receive a single Oscar.

10 out of 10


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Good completion

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So, "Van Helsing", USA, year 2004