Black Jesus

Stephen king wrote the novel 'the Green mile' gave birth to something completely inexplicable, but undoubtedly beautiful.. And Frank Darabont managed to perfectly adapt the novel of the same name so that even my father's tears fell, and even I, then a six-year-old child, understood that only a 'special' film can cause tears in an adult man...

To begin with, this film is built on contrasts. Contrasts in terms of psychological portraits of the characters. Edouard Delacroix, who was waiting for his death, raised a mouse, teaching it various tricks and giving all his kindness, like the one that parents put in children; the cowardly scoundrel Percy Wetmore, who peed himself out of fear of danger to his own skin, although he takes lives with special cruelty, enjoying every execution; prison guards, for whom death has become a common occurrence, will shed tears

The film is a masterpiece, it has a lot of morality, a lot of depth, but...After watching the film again, I realized what its mystery and its unsurpassability is-king and Darabont told us the story of Jesus, embodying the image of the Almighty in a black giant. Now, if you don't agree with me, compare the film to a biblical story that is familiar even to atheists. Now I will try to briefly explain my position, which may seem absurd to many. So John Coffey, like Jesus, healed the incurable sick, and performed miracles for which he was essentially sentenced to death, he also suffered, both spiritually and physically...He, like Jesus, blames no one for his future inevitable death, and like Jesus, he perishes in agony. Now another fact, in the block along with Coffey also waiting for execution of two criminals: bill Wharton, nicknamed "Wild bill", who mercilessly killed three people, a pregnant woman, as it turned out, two little girls, and Edouard Delacroix. Drawing a parallel, we should remember that the evangelists describing the crucifixion of Christ, mention two people who were executed together with him, calling them robbers or villains. Jesus was erected between the crucifixes of the criminals Dismas and Gestas, who were called the Prudent and Mad robbers. The penitent Prudent robber went to heaven, but the Madman naturally went to hell.

Jesus ' execution was witnessed by the people and the high priests who mocked them, John Coffey's parents are allegedly killed by him girls, and ordinary people who are sure that they came to see the execution of a rapist and murderer..

Paul Edgecombe and other prison guards who saw and believed in the miracles performed by the black giant may have represented the images of Jesus ' disciples.

In any case, whether or not we find biblical motives in this picture, we can not help but admire it. I first watched the green mile when I was six, with my father. The time will come when I will watch this film with my children, and the recognition of this, I think, is beyond all estimates.

Bravo king, Bravo Frank Darabont!

10 out of 10


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Good completion

Cosmos, beauty, experiences, unreality ...

So, "Van Helsing", USA, year 2004