My name is John Coffey, like a drink, only spelled differently

It is very difficult to write anything about this film after watching it. Even to call it a movie is not correct, it is not a movie, but a masterpiece. 'The green mile' is definitely the best thing I've ever watched in my life. This is my favorite movie forever, there will be no more such masterpieces. This could be the end of it, but we will still discuss what and how.
A Heartbreaking Ending | John Coffey's Execution | The Green Mile ...

The site says that this is primarily a fantasy, but we will consider this film as a drama and Thriller. What is important for films of this genre? Naturally, first of all, the plot, plus the acting. Separately, these items can not exist in any image. Here both points are made at such a high level that it is not even clear how you can do even better. We will discuss this and the rest in more detail later.

Before analyzing it, I must mention the most talented Director of the XXI century, that is, Frank Darabont. There are no people who are not familiar with this person, In Darabont's service record, in addition to' the Green mile 'there are such masterpieces of the film industry as' Escape from Shawshank',' Mist', the TV series' the Walking dead ' and so on. It would be wrong if in this paragraph I do not mention the ancestor of these films, it was based on his books that these films were made, it is clear to everyone that this is Stephen king. There are no words that can describe his talent. But in no case should we underestimate the creation of Frank Darabont, since it is not given to everyone to make a film based on a good book, such examples are the films 'Dear friend', 'Wuthering heights', 'Dorian gray' and so on. Thus, you can't cancel Darabont's talent.

The first stop of our analysis will be the plot: In the beginning, there is nothing unusual, but prison, new prisoners, psychopathic murderers, bad cops, and so on. We have seen this many times. But with the arrival of John Coffey, the fun begins. A lot of unexpected plot twists, it is impossible to predict what will happen, the complete absence of a tick. You just don't notice how time goes on, plunging along with the characters in this world. The film swallows you up completely if you say the other words. In the story, we are told about the existence of a prison for death row, one day John Coffey is brought there, his first appearance is very colorful and a little frightening. You think this guy is going to do something that will shock the whole prison, and Yes, he does, but in a slightly different way than you expected. This is one example of unpredictability out of a thousand. So to sum up, the plot of this masterpiece of the film industry will surprise even the most unimpressionable viewer.

The Green Mile - Publicidade ainda de Tom Hanks, David Morse ...

Actor's game: This is our next stop. Here the English adjective incredible is quite suitable, let's go through it in more detail. The actors have completely got used to their roles, as if they had been acting in this movie all their lives. The actor and the hero they perform are like one person, I say this without a bit of pathos. Their emotions, dialogues, actions and much more are simply incredible. They fully convey what Darabont wanted them to do. Of course, when viewing the description of the film in the cast, everyone's attention is drawn to Tom Hanks, who has starred in millions of masterpieces during his career, and he looked amazing in them, for example, 'Outcast', 'Forrest Gump', 'Save private Ryan' and so on. This man was born to be an actor. The next actor is Michael Clarke Duncan, let's not argue, not everyone knows the name of this giant. Maybe he is not as popular as Tom Hanks, but in this film, not even in the second place, but in the first place, I would put his character. This phrase, uttered by him several times in this masterpiece of the film industry, namely: 'My name is John Coffey, like a drink, only spelled differently', will be remembered by me for the rest of my life. It would seem an ordinary sentence, but from the mouth of a certain person it becomes completely different. As if it is not he who speaks, but his soul. As for the rest of the characters, all coped with their roles not just perfectly, but incredibly. Whether you were the antagonist or the protagonist, everyone played their roles wonderfully.

I also want to touch such not very important points for drama and Thriller as the soundtrack and atmosphere. If we consider this film, as we agreed at the beginning, then these points really do not matter, I will repeat again. But there are also moments from fantasy. For this genre, the atmosphere and partially musical accompaniment are very important. They are both also made chic, again without a share of pathos and exaggeration. The atmosphere here is primarily conveyed by the prison itself, its greenish hue, the electric chair, and much more. This all gives you a feeling of hopelessness, then only death, especially it presses on you at the end of the film, later we will talk about the ending. Also, the atmosphere is influenced by this delightful story, which we have already discussed. As for the soundtrack or musical accompaniment, it is made at the highest level. Again, especially at the end, it gives even more realism to what is happening on the monitor screens.

So 'the Green mile' is the best movie I've ever seen. The ending of the film shows us life as it is not fair and cruel, even for an ordinary mouse you feel some special feelings, in the literal sense of this brief sentence. I, frankly, am not one of those who can let any tears fall because of the film, but I admit in this film it happened for the first time since early childhood, when I watched 'Titanic' with my family, and it was a long time ago. And in the final conclusion, I recommend this film to everyone for mandatory viewing. Of course, it is not recommended for children under 18 years of age, only 18+, as there are a couple of things that can affect the unprepared psyche of children. And the rest, I repeat again, I call for mandatory viewing.

10 out of 10


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