...one and a half racist kilometers

In fact, the film begins with the moment when Tom Hanks dramatically and tragically pours broken glass into the toilet, when at the same moment a huge African-American man is brought to the death row, which is managed by Tom Hanks, who either raped and killed, or killed and raped two little girls, whose father was Klaus Sadler, who regularly plays a hillbilly from film to film, only periodically replenishing his Arsenal with new images of various village cattle, since he is not in the first roles, but because it's not that bad.


It's not all bad as long as you walk a mile, walk a mile, a green mile deliberately painted green to look like grass, and you're actually walking on soft grass, your footsteps echoing hollowly on the way to your personal Paradise. Then an electric current will be passed through you and you will die.


Not everything is so bad, because the supporting roles are David Morse and Barry pepper, who, to be honest, did not play much, because according to the script they are prescribed to make kind eyes and cry a couple of times, and therefore no Stanislavsky is not necessary to wait. You don't have to wait for Stanislavsky and Tom Hanks, who, being a very successful actor, has a surprisingly amorphous facial expression, but also an equally amazing talent for choosing successful projects and roles, so that almost the whole world is at his feet, almost — except for those who are not a fan of second chins, dramatically hanging under drops of not rain, but sweat. Here is and in" Green mile " set of emotions the same, with the only caveat, that this time Tom Hanks not so obtuse, as in Forrest and not so curious, as in "Philadelphia", on as something walked slegontsa and zakapalo with the end of.

Your mouse will be sent to krysoland, get a job as a sales Manager, and therefore you can walk with peace in your heart and peace in your soul, your last journey along the green mile will be peaceful and calm, probably exactly the way you dreamed. And then an electric current will be passed through your body and you will... no, you will not die, because one charming fool will deliberately forget about an important procedure and you will die in agony, like a rabid Jackal.

The plot, the main essence of which can easily fit in one paragraph, surprisingly proebrazheniem stretched for three hours, filling itself with a lot of details of varying degrees of uselessness, such as the conversation with a lawyer, which contains an interesting thought, but the thought that has nothing to do with the development of the plot. Maybe all this is everyday tricks, without which you can not do without, but cut the film to at least two hours and it would have been better, because the movie was really great, and the shooting was managed by a hot friend of Stephen king — Frank Darabont, a friend so hot that maybe Brokeback mountain is not so humpback in comparison with the friendship of this couple, who

The good Warders conduct an electric current through the death row inmates, before arranging mouse presentations and pron screenings, while carefully rehearsing the execution of each of the prisoners, thereby saving themselves from remorse before the death row inmates, who are all as a selection, with the exception of Wild bill, angels and philosophers who got behind bars, and even on death row, by accident. But all this is small and stupid to find fault with them, because the author knows better: the only surprise is that John Coffey, in gratitude for healing-salvation-entertainment, received the same deathbed present as the others, and the Warders only dramatically concluded that they helped him kill himself, because it's the great depression, a miracle of the world — a miracle of the world, and work is not easy to find, so go and you, a big good Negro, where spoilers are prohibited, for not having time to help.

Cynically nicknamed the old spark (it's a pity that it's not an old lady-killer), the electric chair will become your guide to the other world, and a crowd of onlookers, led by the parents of the murdered girls — a support group, and then an electric current will pass through your body.

If there was anything the film could teach me, it was wild bill, who made It clear that there was no point in living by conventional morals that no one really cared about when there were hours left until judgment day, because even waiting for death, as it turned out, could be turned into an exciting and fun show, and if it wasn't for stupid Percy, then maybe a miracle would have happened and an Amnesty for excellent behavior. And the rest of the morals and meanings have no chance to discover something new, because help in killing themselves happens regularly and none of the help services works as smoothly as this one. And there is no talent, no romance, no poetry in telling this story for three hours, dramatically and tediously, smearing snot and tears on John Coffey's tanned bald head.

Stephen king once wrote that 95% of people on Earth are an inert mass, 1% are saints, 1% are impenetrable cretins, and the remaining 3% are geniuses or something close to them. And if you do math, then the negative reviews on the "mile" is about 5%, among which there are saints, cretins and Yes, it is geniuses, but if I quite deservedly rank myself as a Saint of impenetrable cretins,then the rest is worth looking at.

In the end, everything ends sooner or later, and if you sincerely repent of your sins, you can go back to the time that was the happiest for you and stay there forever. Could this be Paradise? One way or another, to begin with, an electric current will pass through you and you will die.

Start the current.


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Good completion

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So, "Van Helsing", USA, year 2004