The Film Is A Bible. You can watch it at any stage of your life. "Sometimes people are in the wrong place at the wrong time»

It's hard to find the right words…

I've seen a lot of good movies, but most of them don't compare to the Green mile. Without exaggeration, I can say that this is a truly amazing and exceptional movie, which has an incredible energy force, and a unique plot that excites the imagination. And even an explanation of why it is so good would be superfluous. However, I will still Express my personal opinion.

The film caused a flurry of delight, shock and universal approval is well deserved. They call it a masterpiece. And it would be criminal to disagree with this. It induces a state of trance and sadness, and as a result leaves an unforgettable aftertaste. At the same time, despite the apparent gloom, it penetrates the soul and makes even the strongest person become weak for a moment. That's what a movie with a special touch means.

'Green mile' is difficult to classify as a particular genre. A real fairy tale? A mystical drama? The film catches any viewer, whether a fan of melodramas, comedies or horror.

The film is based on the memories of a former jailer from the execution team. These memoirs describe the events of 1935, when a special prisoner was admitted to the prison. The entire film is, in fact, the last days of those sentenced to death, filled with emotions and pangs of conscience. However, there are also those who do not regret what they did. The film makes it terribly clear how unfair our world is. The most diverse aspects of human nature are demonstrated: from sublimity and self-sacrifice to cowardice and meanness. Boundless kindness and terrible cruelty exist side by side here. The virtue that we encounter in life is often questioned, accused, and destroyed. And only a few are willing to accept and believe in it.

People can't adequately assess the events and to accurately understand the situations. As stated in the first part of the film 'the Lord of the rings': not all the living deserve to live, and not all the dead deserve to die. If you can't resurrect the innocent, don't rush to condemn them to death. People themselves organize a hierarchy of relationships based only on their views. And it is not a fact that the majority opinion is something true and indisputable. As well as the opinion of one person is not always the only correct one. I think this is the whole complexity of human relationships.

Further discussion of the plot is pointless — you need to see it. It is very clearly spelled out the characters of the characters, everything looks plausible, which makes the movie more vital and significantly increases the emotional impact. Therefore, I think it is desirable to watch it in privacy.

Heartfelt, instructive, poignant, intriguing, with a unique atmosphere and an excellent cast, where everyone is in their place. There is no falseness, the transmission of the characters ' experiences is unreal. The characters are 100% revealed. Not everyone can play such roles.

First of all, it is worth noting the late Michael Clarke Duncan. He is the core of this film. Michael made me feel such pain and compassion for his character – John Coffey and for his surprisingly sad story, that sometimes a veil of tears blurs my eyes. It is difficult to imagine how much good-nature and humanity there is in this block-like giant. It's awe-inspiring. Such a game – it's aerobatics. What a pity that such a bright star of American cinema is gone forever. Undoubtedly, divinely talented and beautiful was the actor.

No comment on Tom Hanks. Great actor. Trying to imagine myself in Paul Edgecombe's shoes, I don't know what I would have done, what I would have felt… How can this be transferred at all? A lump rises in my throat from pity and sympathy. Tom made an impression with his performance and charmed with the sincerity of his hero.

In the role of Brutus, I also can hardly imagine anyone other than David Morse. A deeply developed image that shows that even in such a place there are clean, bright people, despite the outright horror that they have to face on duty.

A very well-chosen actor for the role of the vile and rotten Percy. His game strikes a chord.

I've watched the movie more than once. And every next viewing, it feels like the first time. Emotions rush in, go off the scale, explode inside you, overwhelm you. You can't help but realize how small your own problems really are. Many of us worry about small things, making a big tragedy out of a small mess. This is nothing compared to the difficulties that some people face in their life.

Many thanks to all members of the film crew. The quality of shooting is no worse than the current movies. The musical accompaniment evokes tremendous emotions.

To be honest, after the end of the viewing, I just looked at the credits, and for half an hour I could not come to myself at all - I was speechless, trying to understand what it was now. Such a work of art does not need words in principle. Even the most florid praise cannot describe this treasure.

It is impossible to remain callous to the film. "The green mile" can feel even the most unshakeable and inveterate cynic. It is instantly fixed in the subconscious.

Stephen king... this man has an inexhaustible talent. It is very difficult to adapt, but this film like no other conveys the entire inexhaustible philosophical message of the author. He touched on an interesting topic-life as a curse, and death as a salvation from earthly torment. Perhaps, however, for people with the gift, life is a very difficult test. The book is worthy of attention no less than the cinematic embodiment. After all, the picture is primarily doomed to success, thanks to an excellent script. King after all is not only the king of horror, but also the king in the knowledge of the wilds of human nature. In the Green mile, he revealed many psychological aspects, some of which are creepy. Many thanks to him for giving the world an unconditional literary masterpiece, a book for the ages.

Regarding the direction, I note that it is brilliant. You rarely meet a successful film adaptation of a book, let alone a brilliant one. Darabont is a master of his craft. The script is presented so flawlessly that it shakes and turns everything inside.

And although the film is difficult to watch to the end because of the impressive timing, do not be lazy and do it. Otherwise, you will lose a lot. 3 hours of indescribable pleasure fly by imperceptibly, as if in one breath. Sometimes the action becomes even unexpected and unpredictable. You will not regret a single minute. However, I advise the faint-hearted and children to refrain. Some scenes are heartbreaking.

I bow in infinite respect and admiration to the creators!

This unimaginable miracle seems impossible to appreciate to the maximum, no matter how hard you try. But if you need to follow the rules of the site, put less than 10 out of 10 just a hand will not rise.

P.S.: I was won over by Mr. Jingles.


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